Farm | Cafe Granja la Esperanza


Blanca ligia correa (mother) and juan antonio herrera(father) married and had fourteen children. The couple were then later assigned to work and live at the postosi farm. In 1945 Juan Antonio decided to introduce three different varieties to the existing Typica, and that is how he started a crop of Yellow Bourbon, Red Bourbon and Caturra. In 1945, Café Granja La Esperanza was born.

Over the upcoming years, there weren’t major changes in their way of life, besides of raising a big family which was the Colombian tradition in those days. Following this and the lack of labor, the children had to help by doing farm work. After many years of hard work, the farm was very productive regardless of the changes in the country and in the international coffee market. Two of the eleven kids, Rigoberto and Luis, showed special interest in coffee production and processing. They decided to give a new direction to this product, changing the crops to organic in the late 90’s. Besides Potosí, another farm in the Trujillo region was acquired to enlarge the organic production, La Esperanza farm. In the year 2007 Don Rigoberto had the chance to lease and manage a coffee farm in the region of Boquete in Panama, called “La Carleida”, and a year later obtained first place in the “Best coffee of Panama”, organized by the Specialty Coffee Association of Panama. At this point he decided to bring some of the Geisha seeds to Colombia, starting a new era in the history of Granja La Esperanza.

Café Granja La Esperanza specializes in the production and commercialization of specialty coffee varietals, facing huge challenges as the adaptation of these varietals to the Colombian soil and climate conditions are quite difficult. Also, having to face against competitors in every specialty coffee market around the world. Our profiles are recognized and highly appreciated, and every day we continue to improve and always seek to make a difference.

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If you are interested in our products, competition coaching, roasted or green beans please contact us today, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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